21 July 2009

To B or not to B

Leave me a comment and I will give you a letter. Then, write 10 things that you love starting with that letter. Post the list in your journal. Give out letters to your commenters in return.
(Kusanagi gave me B)

1. Blind Guardian (which I've been waiting to see since '98 but went to Vieira do Minho instead, the BASTARDS.....)
2. Beer (but of course...)
3. Blade Runner (because it was AWESOME...)
4. Blogging (how else was I gonna complain?)
5. Bars (which of course comes from liking Beer...)
6. Black (favorite color)
7. /b/ (Internet's trash bin)
8. Book of Vile Darkness (easily one of my favorite D&D tools)
9. Blaze of Glory (the song by Bon Jovi)
10. Burguers (yum)


M. Marques said...

Where's the log from 20 to 26??

ladySeion said...

late XD

by the way, your letter is P :3

Dgc said...

A B or not a B, by patrick stewart. check it on youtube (se é q ja n viste)

ladySeion said...

Dgc, your letter is F