6 July 2009

Weekly Log - 29 through 05

Monday Jun 29
Monday came along and brought all the classics: no money, no lunch, no smokes, no coffee. Just thinking that this month's telephone bill is on the € 50 line makes me wanna sit down for a few minutes. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have problems with one of the supers too... my knee, popped out of place accidentally last Friday, hurts like a little bitch. I'm trying to stay motivated through rage. It works well, see: I'm pissed, so I move faster to walk it off before I decide to start being rude and evil at someone. Of course, movement's impaired because of this useless fuckin' joint I call my left knee.

But hey - at least I'm trying to do something constructive with my anger. I usually just bite my tongue when I can't lash out, and grow ulcers the size of fists.

Tuesday Jun 30
I went shopping with two blind ladies today (not at the same time, fortunately) despite the fact I really am a newbie at it. I think the sub-manager got sorta pissed at me too (not at all hard, see, I have a feeling she really loves to bitch and yell) because I gave a customer the complaints book without calling her.

Now wait just a minute. She tells in the morning she is so full of work she can't even have lunch peacefully. The job requires me to be "proactive". And you can't deny the complaints book when asked. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Besides, it's a meaningless, stupid, picky complaint about the carts and baskets not being in their proper place. I didn't take it seriously, she wouldn't have taken it seriously and Consumer's Defense won't take it seriously either! But well, the sub loves to yell... which is a problem, I don't work well with people who yell at me. I have a tendency to yell back at them, and then we're yelling at each other and things tend to get messy. But it's not important anyway. By September, all these people will be out of my life since the contract can't be renewed. They're nothing.

Sub should look into her blood pressure, however. She nearly had a stroke trying to open a bottle showcase by force in the afternoon. One I opened by placing the key correctly in the lock... not hard at all when you try skill instead of strenght. If she had asked me to do it, I would have... but hey, she thinks I'm dumb, I didn't bother.

Wednesday Jul 01
What a day. I had forgotten how screwed up a job can be. There isn't a job that is cool all of the time, of course, things are bound to get frustrating. Today was one such: the first two hours of the morn flew by like they didn't exist since I was busy, that's cool. What isn't, is trying to teach two idiots something or another about my own task there. See, everyone in the supermarket is required to have a little notion of what we're doing. The idea is that we, who will be dealing with it, are supposed to teach a number of co-workers the how-tos, while supers are taught by someone from the company. Those two only wanted half a reason to stay out of work. I'm glad I didn't become a teacher.

Plus, you can take the twits aside for lessons, but you can't force them to learn...

One of the other promoters arrived today too. I gave her a few pointers on how the shop works. She was much easier to teach, since she actually gave two flying crows about learning. Took a chance to tell her all passwords and telephone codes. I won't have anyone going through what I did.

Thursday Jul 02
Crow, where is my weekend? My legs are killing me!

I took to watching old horror. Like, 60's horror. They have an odd feeling to them. I know I probably won't be scared, but I can't keep but imagining a theater room filled to the top with people getting the chills over it. Plus, with all the orchestral soundtrack and classical-looking acting styles, I feel like I am truly watching a movie. It doesn't aspire to be "realistic" or "innovative", it's just a movie. A good deal of what I've seen features Vincent Price and was adapted from Edgar A. Poe, so you see... very bizarre and gothic and weird.

Friday Jul 03
A woman threw up at the store's door right before lunch, and ran away. I got out from behind the counter and warned the sub. She told me either I was gonna clean it, or she was. Which obviously meant I was. I fetched a bucket and mop and cleaned up the mess. It was more fun than gross actually... see, the woman in question had been sampling some cherries at the fruit section (I hate people who do that, try fruit out without buying it) and her puke sorta looked like she had just barfed out a kidney. Visual effect was pretty agreeable. Plus, as I was walking towards the puddle at the door, a co-worker ran her way to the can to throw up herself. Absolutely hilarious!

Weekend Jul 04 - 05
I watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on Saturday. I think I'm still digesting it. It's not an absolutely horrid movie, although there were several horrid things in it. I don't usually say a lot about action movies since I don't know a lot about them. What I know is horror, and sci-fi. And as sci-fi goes, I have a thing or two to point out on Transformers. The movie's premise is pretty gimmicky at best... on the first movie you get a "yay, the cube is destroyed!", you sit in the theatre for this and get a "wait, there's a little bit left". Then you have a feeling that screenwriters didn't very well know where the sci- ends and the -fi begins. As the movie comes close to an end, our leading actor Shia LeBeouf has a "vision" of sorts... come on. This is Transformers; I want tech, not fantasy. You can argue all you want that since he had that thingamajig implanted in his brain, he could have seen data transferred directly into his brain, I still say it was a near-death experience where he spoke to the souls of dead Primes. Bullshit.

The relationship between Megatron and Starscream did look more like what we used to see in the cartoons, though: Starscream is a fuckin' coward and nobody really knows why Megatron hasn't reduced him to parts yet.

Plus, this one had a lot of comic relief which was... not so funny. The most hilarious part, to me, was finding a Transformer with balls. The two Mexican-sounding ice-cream truck twins? Not that great as relief goes. The mini Transformer? Better, but still not amazing. Balls on a Transformer, wrecking balls at that? Okay, you got me.

On Sunday, I found a proper way to make hex maps for D&D - a script in gIMP which makes it really easy and rather fun. It'll come in handy to map great outdoors, caves and anything else that looks funny on a square grid. I'm very excited about it, in fact, if you want it just ask me. I know it used to be hosted on the creator's website and that's down now, I found it while lurking on a forum about map-making.

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