18 June 2009


And if you're bored and have nothing to do? You write down memes. Akira's turn.

"Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ/Blog and explain what they mean to you."

Project Zero - the first j-horror game I ever played, I bought it because I had recently watched Ringu and I actually like having the shit scared half out of me. After I got used to the game to a point where I no longer sounded like a cat being skinned every time a little girl ghost popped out from under a set of stairs, I spent many a good session seeing it scare the crap half out of others. This includes the epic story of the big macho who whimpered like a little girl when someone knocked at the door mid-game. Best. Tale. Eva.

Murphy - ah yes, the ghoulish entity which chases me like a curse ever since I first took notice of His existence. The reason why I dread 1/7 of my life at the beginning of every week and never say "What could possibly go wrong?" or "What's the worse that can happen?". I started the cult to this guy - still, he won't leave me alone...

X-Men - crow, this was probably my very first fandom! Back in the day when the 80's cartoon was on TV, it was epic. And, of course, Wolverine was there. Wolverine is awesome.

Dragonball - back in the day everyone watched Dragonball. For me, it's my perfect record in anime watching: never an episode missed on the first two runs of the saga up to GT, seen in three languages, used for fanfiction (I still have the bloody thing, although it's so horrible it should be burned to cinders) and cherished until today. If I'm zapping by and it's on, I still watch it. Few anime have had that effect on me.

D&D - well, what can I say? If I could only play one game for the rest of my life, this would pretty much be it...

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