8 June 2009

Weekly Log - 01 through 07

Monday Jun 01
Oh Monday... get the fuck out of here. Seriously now, get the fuck out of here. Fast. Run. Fly!

Tuesday Jun 02
Today, once again, I decided to crawl up the tailpipe of the wretched machine known as Kid Bro's computer. That thing is the bastard child of a nuclear reactor and a toaster. Ever since it came into my house, I've had no bloody rest. It is the tech equivalent of a small child: it whines, it pouts and it throws tantrums from time to time. And I, as the horrible mother I will be if I ever mess up my prophylactics, have no patience for that sort of shit from a kid, let alone a machine.

The Internet is off every other day. The computer refuses to be shut off unless you pull the main plug. Since Kid Bro can't give to fucks about where he's surfing or what he installs, it's ripe with a virus infection that at some point will only be solved through amputation. Every time I need to work with that piece of shit I am reminded of why I am glad to be working on Ubuntu, and whenever I consider reinstalling Windows, I need but five minutes working with it to discard the idea for another few months. And I'm really no technician, I am actually almost illiterate as computers are concerned... still, it's always up to me to keep that motherfucker alive for one more day. I dream of a time when I will finally be able to toss it out the window and dance on its charred remains.

Accomplished very little today too. Managed to reconnect Internet... for the time being. Because I know in a couple of days it will drop again, and I will have to make my way up that bloody toaster's ass once again.

Wednesday Jun 03
Bored today. Very bored. Sort of feel like going out. I haven't gone out at night in a while, and the weather seems to be very agreeable towards late night walks. In the Winter it sucks: it's rainy, and windy, and cold... and since you've usually drank your share if you're walking about at three in the AM, you don't feel any cold, so by the time the booze wears off, you're blue from head to toe. But in Summer, you're fine: it's cooler in the night, you're not roasting under the greenhouse effect-filtered Sun, and if you pick a good night, you won't probably see any stars but may get a pale full Moon.

I feel like getting out at night from time to time, even if it's just to get some air, smoke a cigarette, watch the stray cats and look at how quiet this piece of rubbish forgotten by crow is during the night... if it was. See in this area, you either are out at eleven PM, or at five AM, because in between those two periods, you'll likely get mugged, raped, beaten, murdered, or all of the above, not necessarily in that order. And I'm not even one of those people who get paranoid about this... but when a tribe of fifteen assholes camps under my window for several days in a row, breaking bottles and shouting until someone calls the cops on them, I do sort of fear for my hide.

Thursday Jun 04
Mum decided this was the perfect day to apply some flea-killing poison on the cats. I read the bottle instructions... and you know, there's only one family member per household who takes times to read labels before fucking up, in this household that's usually me: Kid Bro tells someone else to do whatever needs to be done, and my Mum improvises. I actually take a while to read shit, if for nothing else, to make fun of it. You know: "Do not use heavy machinery after popping these" on Kiddie Aspirin... and I'm wondering how many 4 year olds have been responsible for freak accidents involving caterpillars after sucking on aspirin.

At any rate, the bottle mentioned it might be a bad idea to use the product on very thin animals (check), very young animals (check) and on too strong a dose on any animals. Mum mixed the product, and I must say it would be a gross understatement to call that a too strong dose. It irritated my eyes, let alone the cat's. I asked her several times if this really was a good idea, pointing out the instructions and getting answered the same every time: Grandpa used it on the dogs and they were fine.

Well, apparently I was onto something here, I don't care if Grandpa's dogs had been alive since Laika went into space. Because about 20 minutes after she sprayed that shit on the kitty, he started twitching, meowling, vomiting and shitting itself. I swear by crow and all things sacred: at one point, the bloody cat became stiff as a plank and moved about ten feet across the living room without moving its paws.
I spent the best part of the night waiting for the kitty to die, actually. I was pretty much convinced it was going to die... still, it held on. It's a tough furry, I think it'll be okay (unbeknown to my Mum I have poured the rest of the flea poison down the bowl... she will find out eventually, once she decides it is time to do it again, after which I will have to remind her about the spectacle of a small kitty doing the fan with its tail while it pisses itself and moves across the room like a psychotic dildo).

But you know what really brought my snot to a twist? I spent most of the night wondering if this little kitty was gonna kick the bucket... and in the morning, I found a flea on its belly... alive and well, it seems.

Friday Jun 05
Went to a couple of bars with some friends tonight. The greatest thirty-so feet I know on this side of the river. Three decent bars in a row. Even if some things did go wrong with today's outing, I couldn't care less: I was out of the house. I drank warm wine with cinnamon, beer and shots. When I entered the house, it was morning. And I don't care what the odds are, I'm going back on the 13th: they're having a folk metal party, with mead.

Weekend Jun 06 - 07
Maybe there is something to that moisturizing thing. I kept drinking water on Saturday, and the hangover was pretty much nonexistent. I didn't drank that much, but you know what happens after a good dose of beer with no eating in between.

Anyway, I spent a good bit of the weekend watching
Saint Seiya and reminiscing about being something like eight and watching the Portuguese subs. Yeah. Someone really screwed up those, you know? For the first two weeks watching it, we thought the Andromeda Saint was a girl (as well as the Aries Saint, for a shorter period after his first appearance though) and I don't really blame anyone for this. It's a shonen, but an odd shonen, you know...? Everyone is a bit... androgynous. Long hairs rule here, and by the time you reach the Pisces Saint... well. That's a boy too, I'm afraid. His name is Aphrodite but... the coolest guy ever to be written by R. A. Salvatore was also called Artemis... although I doubt Artemis had baby blue hair and... well, don't bother.

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