12 January 2009

Weekly Log - 5 through 11

Monday Jan 05
Is it cold as a bitch today, or what? Weather forecast (which is never right enough to be reliable and never wrong enough to be ignored) claims we'll be hitting single-digit temperatures to below zero before the end of the week. Hello, ice age.

For all those who say I'm a pessimist, I got up today fully energized and ready to rumble. I got crap from the first moment. Went to take a shower and there was no hot water. Tried to find some clothes to go to work, but my Winter stuff needs renewal and I'm out of cash, so I ended up piling 2 or 3 layers of clothing on me. Got out of the house, went to work and according to orders from my Mum, told Pops to pay me. He did - half the salary. And spent the rest of the morning lecturing me about spending money carelessly. Right... he has dinner out every night. I would too, if I had no rent to pay and next to no expenses with other family members.

During the morning, I was locked in mortal c(k)ombat with the flippin' fax machine. For some reason that surpasses me, electronic devices like messing with me. Much like the printer back in my previous job and my brother's computer back home. Eventually, I won, and the bitch finally pulled the paper. It's hard to find one as stubborn as me when it comes to machinery. I used my lunch hour to hit the bank. The line reached the door and there was a guy next to me who kept stroking an imaginary dick (if I had to guess, I'd say Parkinson's), which while not his fault, didn't do squat to improve my day. My fingers were very slowly turning to popsicles, but I managed to get the rent up to date. Back to work to bore and freeze in turns. At shift's end took the chance to have a beer along with a friend whose Monday sucked too.

Damn you, Murphy. Damn you to Hell.

Tuesday Jan 06
Late for work. Why? Didn't get a wink of sleep. I'm sleeping right next to Grandma's bedroom, so whenever she's agitated, I get no rest either. No rest for the wicked, they say. I must've been a grade-A bitch on my past life. The shit I did on this one doesn't account for the amount of crap Murphy sends me. If I was to believe in karma, and The Secret and all that baloney, I'd be miserable. But I believe in Murphy, so I don't really expect shit to get much better. It's just a matter of seeing exactly how bad it can get.

At the end of the shift, I ended up messing the trains and had to walk my way back. I don't know how it happened, since I'm sure I got into the right train. Some Twilight Zone-ish mess up has to have happened. I was positive I was in the right train. All the best to keep my patience up for the rest of the day...

Wednesday Jan 07
In bed. Have a bad cold. And I mean a bad one. The sort of cold that grabs you by the nostrils, spits on your jacket, calls its homies to kick your ass and then breaks into dance like in West Side Story. I called Pops to tell him I was ill and spent most of the day slumbering and sipping chicken soup and hot coffee. It's times like these I'm happy I share my house with a cat: he sleeps on my legs. The price to pay is the cutting of bloodstream from time to time, but nothing a nice kick won't solve. Mum says she used to do the same with Pops when she wanted him to stop snoring.

Thursday Jan 08
Slightly better, went out to buy some supplies. On my way, I bought a pill box for Gradma's medication at the corner Chinese store. They've screwed her dose so often I'm surprised she hasn't had a stroke yet. Maybe this way they won't need to call me up whenever it's time for her to have her pill cocktail. Apparently nobody knows how to read in this side of the family. You'd think "one after breakfast" would be clear enough, but seemingly, we need to draw a reference chart. Or do like in hospitals and separate all the pills beforehand. A five year old could operate the pill box, and a five year old can distinguish between meals and days of the week. There is no way in crow they can mix it up now.

Friday Jan 09
Pops called me in the morning, listened to my voice and told me to stay home. Which tells me there isn't a lot to do at the office and I must be sounding like the victim of a horrible accident. My aunt dropped by, my uncle too, both took off early enough for me not to have to do much talking. My aunt somehow managed to fuck up my Grandma's pills too. After an epic facepalm I had to remind her of basic object interaction with the pill box. As for the uncle, he complained he couldn't identify half the contents in our fridge (which confirms my theory he's stupid). Then later on, guess what - a nurse dropped by to check on Grandma. She had to ask me how to use the pill box as well.

Oh yeah. A licensed nurse. Asked me for instructions on how to operate a pill box from the corner Chinese store. Which, by the way, is not in Chinese, or even English. It's in full-fledged Portuguese and Braille.

How are these people alive past the age of 30, I wonder? Goes to show that no matter how wise and intelligent you are, it is possible you're still dumb as bread.

Weekend Jan 10-11
The cold's slightly better - at least I'm not looking at anything that could be considered a small nation every time I blow my nose. Dropped down a glass of jack followed by warm milk - that should kill everything still in here, or my liver, whatever happens first.

Another refugee weekend. Nothing dragged me out of this bedroom but my bladder and the need for chow. I spent time chatting, doing some campaign planning, and playing flash games online (some of which, I suspect, I am dangerously addicted to. Which is kinda sad, seeing as I'm 23 and... well, let's leave it at that).

Download updates were poor this week: I got me a few numbers of Poison Elves, which I had already, but got corrupted on the swap from Windows to Linux. I have the three seasons of Nanoha about to drop by (while I usually hate magical girls with all the strenght in my being, they say these deliver a nice kickass, so I'm willing to try) and Shinobido waiting to be recorded due to the lack of DVDs.

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