19 January 2009

Weekly Log - 12 through 18

Monday Jan 12
Got to work early as a fuck because I didn't sleep all that much. I think it was the first and only time I got here before Pops - half past seven in the AM. Spend my day struggling with a program Pops needs installed in the PC, but which doesn't wanna install. My 1337 skillz, aren't.

Got the rest of my salary back, so I lost the lunch hour again to hit the bank. Internet and water bills paid, now to make for the electricity and to eat for the rest of the month. I don't think this was what Aerosmith meant when they sang Livin' on the Edge, but it sure feels like it.

Tuesday Jan 13
Crow. I can't believe this day. It was the thirteenth alright - if it wasn't, it'd have had to happen on a Monday. Murphy sure keeps his shit well planned.

Grandma had an appointment today, my uncle was supposed to go along her in the ambulance. My job here was to wait for him to arrive and skedaddle to work after he did. By nine he was nowhere to be found. I made a frail attempt to take Grandma to the can because she asked me to, one which failed horribly and ended up in an ugly mess to clean, not entering a lot into detail. Meanwhile the ambulance got here to take her to the hospital. I went for her paperwork, fetched my jacket, called Pops to tell something came up and Mum to let her know her brother is a bastard, and prepared myself to get on this ride. While the firemen got Grandma into the chair and I cleaned up the bathroom as quickly as possible, uncle dearest finally arrived and said he didn't know my Mum was working early today. Shit, genius, you have a cellphone. Call and flippin' ask!

They went on, and I finished the cleanup, picked up my shit and walked out. I stopped at the corner coffee shop for a shot of caffeine, when uncle called again (oh now you know how to use the phone?!), saying he didn't have the key to my place, so I'd have to wait for him to come back before going to work. I asked him why he didn't tell me that before, I'd have given him my key and went on to my day. He said he thought he had it. Top notch.

From this story I ended up learning something I didn't like. There are people who have keys to my house when we didn't give it to them. The only person who had a spare key to my place was my aunt. Now my uncle and Grandpa have one as well. I do not recall this being discussed, and Grandpa admitted to having made a copy from my aunt. Who the fuck owns this place after all?!

They got back by three, so I missed work. As a bonus, I think Mum was kinda dissed that I was in bed when she got home. I was in bed because basically I was freezing and hardly got any sleep last night. Frankly, these people irritate the crow outta me sometimes...

Wednesday Jan 14
With two nights of hardly any sleep, I was dead tired when I got home. Made me some chow and fell asleep on the floor, at the PC.

Thursday Jan 15
It was raining heavily this morning. Like, pouring. Like, the street in front of my building is flooded because I live in a place where idiots still toss their garbage to the ground, clogging up sewer exits. To add insult to injury, it was raining inside the office when I got to work. There's a leak right next to the electricity box, so I'm assuming any moment could be my last.

Mum got me out of there so we could go shop. Grandpa sheepishly gave her some cash, saying that, after all, Grandma is under our care and it's unfair we get all the expenses. I wasn't around when this happened, because frankly, it wouldn't have gone unanswered. Four years ago, when she was struggling with breast cancer, we DID take all the expenses. And I think it'd only be fair if her retirement pension went into the fund to buy the stuff she needs: diapers, medicine, specific food... it's not twenty or thirty euros now and then that will safeway it.

At any rate, since there was jack to do at the office, I went home to help with the shopping. Mum prefers that I do it because I'll stick to the list and she tends to buy extras. She said she's gonna give me her credit card -she spends way more than I do. I feel like I'm helping someone quit smoking by holding their cigarettes hostage.

Friday Jan 16
Allow me to tell you, in a few selected words, how my day was. Annoying. Shitty. Crappy. Desolating. Depressing. Overwhelming. Boring. Tiresome. Troublesome. Irritating. Hideous. Awful. Horrible. Smelly. You get the general idea.

Weekend Jan 17-18
I'm really becoming a refugee. Not only from a psychological point of view, now it's also pictorial. It's cold, so I'm keeping an old blanket on myself at all times. And now I'm keeping a thermos of hot coffee next to me. I've entertained the idea of finding a secondhand mini fridge to keep beer, so I don't need to go out for it. And I'm counting smokes to try not to go over my head with the nicotine, and to keep the same pack for as long as possible... among the download updates we have the rest of Transmetropolitan (last 5 numbers) and a better version of Open Office. I'm so tired of it I'm considering re-downloading Abiword for text edition.

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