3 August 2009

Weekly Log - 27 through 02

Monday Jul 27
Just a couple of weeks back I distinctly recall writing that this places looks like the setting for a sitcom, complete with characters and events. I can assure you that it remains like that. The incident du jour being that this morning, someone took a dump on the toilet lid at the female employees' bathrooms. The toilet lid. I swear on my sight I am not making this up.

It seems that at the time, the lights in the female employees' can were off because of a busted light bulb. The security guard thinks someone might have tried to go in the dark, and either realized too late she messed up, or not at all. We aren't sure. It might have been on purpose for all I care. The artistry was complete with toilet paper tossed on top, which leads me to how the thing was discovered: the cleaning lady was apparently in the same line of thought and decided to try and clean the bathroom in complete darkness... by crow, I am not making this up. She found a paper atop the toilet lid, and realized when removing it there was something else, but since she had no light, she had to try and figure out what it was by touch...

The word sblosh comes to mind. Cleaning bathrooms... definitely a shitty job (ba-dum-tsch!).

The cleaning lady would later state that in 30 years in the cleaning profession, she had never seen anything like that. I know how she feels. I'm 23 and I never heard anything short of a drunken story that even slightly resembled this.

Tuesday Jul 28
Still no signs of getting paid. The security guard is also still trying to figure out who decided to drop a deuce on the toilet lid. He made a list of all female employees and went around fishing for clues. Atop the page with the female employees' names was written "Find the Shitter", operation name style. Murphy, why do you send me to the midst of these people? You have sent me to a place where there is someone either a) stupid enough not to notice she's realigning her chi on the toilet lid or b) disgusting enough to realign her chi on a toilet lid. And I don't know which of these I'd rather have.

Wednesday Jul 29
I wrote a haiku. Here it is:

No cash on the bank,
Bills late and Seion pissed,
Fuck them you know where.

Or at least I think it is a haiku. Not important. Fuck that you know where.

Thursday Jul 30
I'm pretty sure the house rent will still get delayed. Even with this job, I am not leaving the gutter so soon, it seems. Mum wants me to look for a weekend job.

I let that suggestion slip out of my ears just as soon as it stopped there. I want a weekend. I am fuckin' entitled to that at least. I don't care how many hours I work a week, I want my weekend intact: 48 hours to do whatever the fuck I want to do. Even if it's stay in bed all day. My leg hurts, my knee complains from time to time, I'm tired, my back ache, my patience runs dry - I demand a day at least. 24 hours at the very least, to sleep if I want to and have fun. 5/7 of my life were pretty much always spent doing shit I disliked: kindergartens, schools, sports I never wanted to play, people I don't like seeing, staying with relatives, doing homework, cleaning, putting up with both parents acting like fuckin' kids instead of being grown-up about their bloody divorce, one crappy job after another, new acquaintances I did not want, shit, shit, shit, shit and shit everywhere I look. No. There is no way. I want my break. I refuse to give that away.

Friday Jul 31
Let chaos set in: no supervisors today from noon on. I once said the first circle of Hell was a call-center with 200 operators set in a small room, calling all customers from nine PM on. I am now convinced the second circle of Hell is an understaffed supermarket at the end of the month with no supervisors from noon on.

The only supervisor came in before noon to tell me the results of a meeting she and other store supers had with the campaign management yesterday. The involved parties who have an over 4 digit income are surprised the thing isn't flying off the shelves.

Of course it isn't. I've known this was a dud from day one. Heck, I knew this was a dud ever since the formative classes. Everyone in the store, with the possible exception of the manager, knows this is a dud. And, of course, customers know this is a dud! Bloody simple! But you know how these things work: it's never the product that's flawed, it's the promoters. It's been a pain in my side ever since I've entered the trade.

So now they're slowly turning this shit into an agrressive sale. They've sent us several e-mails with "tips" on how to promote the damn thing, and reinforcing we should not be allocated to tasks not involving the product (fat chance... if I forget everything else I do here, chaos will take over and stay. Super agreed). Basically, I am very, very pissed. Still, over the morning, while doing my mechanical flyer handout thing, I had the time to chill out, organize my head and get the ideas to hump each other and produce some common sense. All I need is an alternative. I am not giving away my weekend and I need to get out of sales. Don't lose your head just yet, Seion. You've pulled through worse shit. You can find a way out of this - maybe sooner than you think.

Weekend Aug 01 - 02
August the 1st is the birthday of one of my favorite bars. I had been waiting all week for the celebration - a nine-to-six party that promised to be almost too awesome for words. The first few hours were great, as usual. Nice music, some guys turning up in strange costumes (two guys were wearing bloody chainmail! A bloody fuckin' chainmail armor!), the beer was cool, and we even had cake!

Then the fuzz turned up and stopped the party. We had to leave the bar early because someone complained about the noise - as it turns out, the bar manager had asked for a license to keep the bar open until later on, and it wasn't granted. It only took one elderly lady... fuck, man. Quoting Eddy in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, whatever the fuck happened to Saturday night? Most bars are only open 'til two! When I first started going out, we had until at least four the in AM. Perfectly doable! The music wasn't that loud either, what was the fuckin' problem?!

Anyway, we just changed bars, since a couple "friends of a friend" were inside the already-closed bar down the street. We were there until about really bloody late o'clock. I won a second round of Seven Sin (against both J and said friend - again, two shot advantage. Go me). And spent Sunday shopping for clothes. Mine were too large and too ripped already and I was in dire need of some more.

1 comment:

Dgc said...

Great saturday night feeva. too bad the fuzz turned up =S. Se bem k no manecas tb se teve btt bem.

also got an haiku:
84cents on the bank
no work so far
not even call centers