10 August 2009

Weekly Log - 03 through 09

Monday Aug 03
The number of screeching children inside a supermarket is directly proportional to the possibility of a headache on the staff. I discovered that today. Parents, please... silence thine fuckin' infants. I don't get these women: their kid is running amok a little everywhere, forcing the door opened and closed, messing with the baskets, taking shit off the shelves and promptly opening it, annoying everyone. And they somehow just learned to shut the whole thing off and go about their business, never doing more than barking an unenthusiastic "Be quiet!" from time to time. This is just one more reason why I don't want to have kids. And for all of those who are already thinking, "But Seion, you ravishing, seductive woman, your kids will only be like that if you let them.", I have this to say. When did I give you the impression I'd want my kids to hang around with kids like those?

Tuesday Aug 04
August is a stressful and boring month for one who, like me, hates the beach and all things related: daylight, brightness, high temperatures, teenagers on vacations, puffing up like a balloon fish, sweating, crowded buses, every other person on the street having one or more levels in wacko... fuck Summer, fuck global warming and fuck every douchebag who asks you "So, did you go to the beach?" right after "Hey, how was your weekend?" No, I didn't go to the beach. I abhor the beach. I stayed home and worked on my plan to come into this store with a shotgun and kill every single piece of shit in here. It's going well, thanks for asking.

Wednesday Aug 05
The washing machine got up this morning, coughed, gave us a dual bird and called its years of good service quits. The kitchen was flooded up to the door. And it's staying like that, we still need to wash clothes and there's no cash to fix the damn thing. We're now working with towels on the floor. At all times.

Along with all the other shit I get, now even my pipes want to see me lose my shit... Murphy, You son of a bitch! Maybe someday You'll come thumbling down from wherever the fuck You live and fall forehead-first into a big rock, which may crack and swallow You up!

Thursday Aug 06
Well, bingo - not only is the rent late as predicted last week by yours truly, but Mum has again taken to an activity which is very annoying. Looking up jobs for me.

She is really keen on this. She is really trying to find a job for me on weekends, and if she does, I'll have to give her a very clear "NO" and we'll get very sore with each other for a very long time. I know - or rather, I choose to believe - she means well in looking up jobs for me. But when she does, it makes me feel like I'm doing nothing to improve my situation. I'm working and trying to save money. I cannot get a second job while I have the week tied up with this one - and I am entitled to rest. Everyone is entitled to rest. I saw this happening, I warned everyone, I said it was not fair. I refuse to pay for it as well.

Friday Aug 07
Good news awaited me when I returned home today. The first in a while. Kusanagi sent a gift and his regards via my brother (who was MIA until late this afternoon, it seems). It's Silent Hill 2 Special Edition. Say aloud with me: Silent Hill 2, Special Edition. The one with the Making Of DVD. Plus, a game which actually runs, because mine, as you'll recall, died a while ago.

My big Silent Hill blue balls were appeased. I don't know how you found it, Kusanagi, since the special edition of this is almost as legendary as Project Zero 2 in national territory, and I had more than once given a thought to getting it via eBay. But you gave me one of the best presents I ever got. HAVE MY BABIES! (seriously, you shouldn't have. You'll spoil me. And I don't care.)

Weekend Aug 08 - 09
Don't have anything to say as Saturday is concerned because I spent it finishing up the first ending of Silent Hill 2. I'm sorry. I'm a fangirl. I don't behave like this for (almost) anything else, and I am proud to say that, despite having felt slightly turned on during gameplay (because Silent Hill does that to me, especially Silent Hill 2), I did not squee.

It was my Mum's birthday on Sunday. She turned 45. We went out to eat, drink, and be merry.

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