11 May 2009

Weekly Log - 04 through 10

Mon May 04
What if Mondays were cancelled, I wonder? What if Barack Obama came on the TV, saying a Monday was cruel and unusual punishment for every single people on the planet, and they just cancelled the day out? Maybe we could have Tuesday following Sunday...

Tue May 05
Cinco de Mayo in Mexico today. Speaking of which, I kinda felt like chili, but stood for a sandwich and roaming around for three hours looking for someone in this area who had a working scanner. It seems Grandpa wants us to post some online ads for him, and we're in need of pictures. Said pictures, however, are in paper, and need to be put in the computer. After going around my area for a while, I settled for the office supply store in front of my old school. I gotta pick everything up tomorrow. Crow.

My old school. It looks worse now than when I was there. I saw dozens of its current students and I must say... I'd be ashamed to be counted on their ranks as a student of Francisco Simões Highschool at this moment. A whole generation of assholes unfolded before my eyes, with shit for brains and crap for words. Well, maybe I'm being mean. Maybe half those people aren't as retarded as they look. But they sure mimic it well.

Wed May 06
I was supposed to go out with the guys today, but it got canceled. Madeen's brother was ill (hope he's better now, man...), so I went to pick the crow-damned pictures. In the process, I got to make unwanted chit-chat with the office supplies store guy. He expressed pity for me over having to quit college for the time being, saying I "really had a future" and was on my merry way to "be someone".

...right. I had a future. What do I have now, a time distortion which causes me to be stuck on the present? Well, I'm sorry to announce nobody ever gets to the future: we're always in the present! I was "someone" in college - what am I now, something? It brings my snot to a boil. Especially when I think of all the assholes I know from college. If those people are the ones referred to as "someone", I'd rather be something else.

Thu May 07
It is days like today that strengthen my faith in the existence of Murphy. He couldn't get me on Monday, so he decided to get me today instead. Even if every day is likely to be ruined by this ghoulish entity, there are just some days...

I left home in good time since the interview I have today (which is follow-up from last week's) was at 9h30 AM. in the best interest of being on time, I decided to take the train instead of the boat. So I took a bus to the train station, and I got stuck with the slowest bus driver in the force. She was on Bluetooth complaining about having a broken ticket machine... how about doing that when you get to the station, since you usually leave it late anyway?! How about getting these people to their destination, most of them are going to work or school and must be on time? but no: instead, she slugged along and took several more time than necessary to open and close doors. And I don't mean a couple of minutes: we spent nearly a quart hour at one given stop!

So I barely made it on time (lost the first train, which means I had to wait several more minutes for the subway, you know how these things go...), did my interview, I think it went well. At home, more bullshit: papers to write, bills to look at, shit to bother me. Including posting ads online for Grandpa's apartments (why the eff? I don't know).

Brother, I can't wait to get a job. Get some independence and see if I can get all this shit off my back for a while.

Fri May 08
I knew this was going too well. I knew it. Something would have to happen at some point. And due to my own idiocy, Murphy has no place in this one. An unknown number called me this morning... and my cell was on silent mode. I put it on silent mode for the interview yesterday and forgot to change it back. I missed the call. I can't believe I missed the fuckin' call!

I spent so much time watching the bloody phone waiting for it to ring... always keeping it nearby... I can't believe I missed it.

Okay. That was two paragraphs and about an hour's worth of panic. After I managed to cool my head off, and smoke a couple fags, and get a proper grip on myself like a reasonable person, I called again. And again. And once more. I called until I managed to get through, and explained what had happened. They told me it was okay, they wouldn't mark the interview for today anyway, so they'd have someone call me back in a while. I suppose I interrupted someone's lunch hour, but my third interview is bookmarked for the next Wednesday.

Weekend May 09 - 10
Stayed home. Nothing to do... nowhere to go... no means to go anywhere anyway. Not means to bring anyone in either. I got quite a few musical pieces from Joan Jett, including Let's Do It which she sang with Paul Westerberg for the Tank Girl soundtrack. It is most definately one of the songs I want played at my reception in the .01% chance I ever get married... (crow, can you imagine me married? Me?! Because I can't...) I wanna be like Joan Jett when I grow up. She's awesome.

My attempt at getting Twin Peaks was frustrated once again: fuckin' virus-infected assholes. Along with getting bugged all the way to Monday by various of those small issues which become really obnoxious because they come in clusters, I also saw a couple movies... nothing big. Two 70's horror flicks, one better than the other (The Brood, 1979, and alice, Sweet Alice, 1977) and a couple episodes from Star Trek: Enterprise available on YouTube.


Carla B. said...

Have you heard about Detroit Metal City? I have the whole OVA, downloading the manga and live-action movie. What about if I show up at your place with my HD?

ladySeion said...

I did - in fact, I was considering downloading it. I thought it may be a strange, Japanese Metalocalypse lookalike.

Like everyone else I know, you just need to gimme a call so I can make sure I'm at home. Next Wednesday is bad, but otherwise, feel free to.