23 March 2009

Weekly Log - 16 through 22

Mon Mar 16
Ah, Monday. What a bad fuckin' way to spend 1/7 of your days.

Tue Mar 17
Grandma's out of the hospital. We went to pick her up, it's the same place where my folks always go when there's a situation: when my throat blocked because of the tonsillitis, it was to this hospital I was taken. And when we had that car crash, we came here as well. And when my Mum was ill, bam, right here too. I know this hospital way too well and I hate it deeply.

Pushing a wheelchair through the corridors, I felt like this was gonna turn into Silent Hill at any given moment: corridors cleared, a nurse coming by every once in a while... I'm playing too much lately. Then we picked up Grandma: still paralyzed, and we're not sure how sane she is at this point. Remember a while ago I typed she was losing it? What little we understand of what she says makes absolutely no sense.

Then we brought her home, and the time came to decide what to do once and for fuckin' all. My Mum and my Grandpa were the only ones present. After some juggling about, they decided it would be best if she went back South. We don't have means or schedule to take permanent care of her, and starting now, she needs someone on her case 24/7. Grandpa has a lot more free time, and if needed be, he'll find a nurse to help. Knowing my Grandfather, I doubt this situation will go on for long: he'll hire a nurse after some time. They're departing tomorrow, early in the morning.

Wed Mar 18
Well, it's done. It doesn't mean it's over, the issue is about four hours South of here. Crow only knows how long we have until we need a more permanent solution.

Thu Mar 19
On Wednesday I looked at the calendar and said to myself, "Well, Father's Day's a-comin'." Yesterday, shortly before dinner, I thought to myself I couldn't forget to call Pops today because it was Father's Day. Guess what happened today?

He called me after dinner to wish me a Happy Father's Day. Which tells me he's pissed and wants to rub it in. He better than anyone should know people tend to forget these things. Ten years in a row, he forgot about either my Mum's birthday, their wedding anniversary, or both. I on the other hand had, until today, a perfect 20 year record. Ah well. It's his birthday five days from now, I tend to see both occasions as one.

Fri Mar 20
Spent most of my day doing stuff not worth mentioning (just because I'm bored to tears, it doesn't mean I have to bore you to tears as well... then again, you are reading my blog. You're asking for it) and during the evening, my brother's Internet connection fried. After he tried to reboot everything on his side, since we share a modem, it was time to reboot everything on my side. Not only it didn't connect him, it disconnected me as well.

I tried to reboot and check the configuration several times over. In fact, I tried for most of the night, while watching Tokyo Godfathers. But by 4 in the AM, there was still no Internet. I made plans to call support in the morning if there's still nothing in the morning. And here begins my saga, the reason why I've been out of contact and late on my blog posts as of late. I am going to post this on the right date for archiving purposes, but I'm obviously typing posthumously.

Weekend Sat 21 - Sun 22
Since the Internet was still out, I called the support to ask if there was a problem with their service. There was a little situation, in fact. Known as Not Paying the Bill. See, when i first exchanged providers, they mistakenly sent the bills to another address I had... some eight years ago. How they came across it, I have little to no idea. My guess is that when we first moved to the big house, about... oh, two movings ago and about eight years, the service installed for TV was this one. So the fact we provided a new address and data this time meant jack squat. As such, when we were warned there would be a cut, we called them, only to learn we were two bills behind. Unable to afford paying the whole thing, we were advised by support to pay the older bill and leave the newest one for later on. And we've been doing it ever since, because life's a bitch and we don't really have the cash to normalize everything. Eventually, it appears the "system" got tired of the constant delay. Until the bill is paid in full, no Internet for me.

Ain't that something... they fuck up, and I have to sit down and wait because I can't afford to keep up with their mistakes. Once again it occurred to me, if I had a proper job, the kind that pays regularly (Pops, I'm glancing at you) this wouldn't have happened. I tried to argue my case on the phone too, but the people on the other side had more ranks in Diplomacy than me. As if I wasn't pissed enough, when Mum got home and I told her about it, she ignored my explanation of what had happened, and instead thought I had either lost a bill or an ATM receipt. When she finally found everything was in order, she dropped the subject. Boy, nights sure do get lonely here sometimes...

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