13 October 2008

Weekly Log - 6 through 12

Monday Oct 06
Well, to kick off the week, tried to call the job company again, again with no luck. Had to stop trying before I ran out of cash on the cell again. The cable people who were supposed to call us concerning the router seemingly haven't activated the phone yet either. I'm probably gonna sit down and watch some daytime TV, so I'll be irritated enough when I call them.

Managed to get The Sims 2 to work, but the exuberance was short-lived. It crashes like the mighty James Dean. Needless to say, I've tried every strategy known to man and beast to get it running, to no avail. I'll have to try with a different copy. Preferably a non-bootleg copy. Won't be this week yet I get to play God. Or rather, play Murphy.

Tuesday Oct 07
Called the cable people. Told them a few things. Incredible how fast shit gets done once you mention Consumer's Defense... especially after you say you have in your possession several worksheets from their technicians which weren't properly signed and filled. Someone is gonna get it, and I don't care.

They're coming to deliver the router on Friday, and I'll try to encrypt the ugly thing myself. I foresee much frustration on the horizon.

Wednesday Oct 08
What a shitty day. Slept late, woke up groggy and in a bad mood, Pops called to tell me we're having dinner on Monday (funny how I have no vote in this, yes?), did some minor shopping, mailed some resumes and answered some ads. Tossed something together for dinner and ate. Played card games and started a doodle of a playing card for my next tattoo. I'm still deciding between Queen of swords or four of clubs. I have a design for a D20 on fire saved up, but it's made in color and oughta cost me more than I can pay now.

Anyway, after I was sick to my stomach of card games, tossed some flash games around which were too bad for words, watched a really, REALLY shitty movie (it was Horror Hotline: Big Head Monster, and despite what it may sound like, it's not porn...) which failed to make me scared, and then failed to get me interested, and later on also failed to make me laugh. It's on 2 parts on crunchyroll and watch at your own responsibility, it's nearly as bad as Bollywood. The only reason why it's not AS bad as Bollywood is the fact nobody broke into song and dance midway through it. When I was done with it, I watched an old episode of All in the Family to lighten up the mood the previous movie had put me on, took a shower, made myself a sandwich, tried my copy of Silent Hill 0rigins (which is full of hiccups and won't show cinematics... crow.) and went to bed.

I am bored to tears.

Thursday Oct 09
Another shitty day. Watched a movie about a nun which I now wish I hadn't seen, and Death Bell, which apparently comes in the same line as Otoshimono, so I'm figuring I'll review both in one go. As previously stated by another reviewer, the genre seems to have been milked dry. Well, after Whispering Corridors I should be on the lookout for movies set on Korean high schools...

Downloaded DoMO. Will try in a while.

Friday Oct 10
You know Murphy's really on your tail when shit's working one day, and not on the following. Frankly, it's happening way too often for my taste. Last week it was Messenger. This week, it's DoMO. The damn thing was working fine yesterday. Why is it not working today?

On a second remark, the cable people didn't show up. So Monday, it's back to the phone for me.

I went out for a drink, as it's my birthday. Getting ready to face my old man on Monday, I might as well go out and have some fun. While not everything turned out as expected, I had a great evening. I even got to drink a beer and play table soccer with a guy as drunk as a fish who found it in his heart somehow to pay us one. Walked my way home. Good times.

Saturday Oct 11
Little hungover. Played some games. Didn't do jack all day. In fact, I spent my whole Saturday with my pajamas on.

Sunday Oct 12
Had lunch with my Mum. Damn I don't think I ever ate so much in my life. I was nearly sure they're gonna have to roll me back to the house. We also hit the mall (I hate the mall, but she had some business to take care of there) so I brought home a legit copy of The Sims 2 plus one expansion and one stuff pack, all jammed in the same DVD and conveniently on sale. So I'm pretty much going nuts. Blam it to Hell, right? I don't have an awesome house IRL, why shouldn't I have one in-game?

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