Monday Jun 15

Tuesday Jun 16
I finally got the call from the job agency. They want me to take some formative classes to get to know the product I'll be selling. While I am looking forward to working again, I usually am not looking forward to these "formative classes" job agencies dispense. I think they're a load of bull: someone makes a project, right? They teach people from the same company how it works, so those people can teach it to the job agency folk, and the agency folk in turns teaches it to the schmos and schmoettes who'll be selling the bloody thing! It's a waste of fuckin' time!The good side of this deal is, formative classes are paid. Not by me, I mean, they pay me to attend them. Crow knows I could use the extra two days' cash.
Why would they go to Vieira do Minho...? Why couldn't they stop by Lisboa even if for one night only...? My favorite power metal band...
Wednesday Jun 17
We finally took care of the cats - went down to a vet, bought the appropriate medicine (I should also say that the appropriate medicine costs as much as lunch for four people at a regular restaurant, but we can't help it. It'd be the same with any of us: if we got ill, we'd have to buy medicine too), made the cats swallow it and called it a day. Of course, next Wednesday, we'll be applying it again, but it's all good. At least there will be no more accidental poisonings.Then in the late afternoon, we got an unwanted visitor... a cockroach. I swear I'm getting sick and tired of them. They're way too big and way too fast - and they fly, of course. Someone is overfeeding these fiends, I'm sure. This one was as big as my old MP3 player - that's big enough to be given a name and social security number in the insect world!
I still haven't gone over Vieira do Minho.
Thursday Jun 18
My first day of formative classes, out of two. They finally told me what I'm going to sell: the bastard child of cellphone service providers and supermarkets. I'll be working in a really small store in the center of Lisboa, handing out pamphlets and trying to convince people to buy this shit. In fact, today they tried to convince me to buy it as well... and I wouldn't, which turns things just slightly more complicated.Anyway, we studied it extensively, and I was sort of upset to see we need to know the names, models and brands of seven different cellphones. Why? Aren't they on display?! Can't we just look at the bloody price tag?
Oh well. I'll manage something. I still remember how to make some crib notes.
Vieira do Fuckin' Minho. Why did it have to be Vieira do Fuckin' Minho...?
Friday Jun 19
Second day of classes. Murphy, why do you do this shit to me? Not a breeze blew in the blazing hot, scalding red, fuckin' unbearable Summer morning. Hello, greenhouse effect. Hello, sweat. Hello, stupid sunglasses because I go blind on bright sunlight. Crow, how I hate Summer. I hate Summer so bad. If Summer was a person, I would stalk it for a very long time in a very passive-aggressive way until I drove him batshit. Fuck Summer up its ass.Anyway, we started talking about sale technique per se... I had some fun with the simulated sales. It was Theatre classes in highschool all over again. I also got notice I can start by next Monday - go me, an extra week pay! The agency girl asked me if I had ever done it before... like it's a stretch. We're pretty much selling ice to penguins, we just need to make sure they don't realize it. It occurred to me it's a sad thing, actually - that some people go through difficulties and there's still some asshole willing to turn things up a notch. Even sadder is the schmos like me, who have no choice but to make a living assisting them in doing it.
Hey, I always wanted to make a living by telling stories... only not this sort of stories.
I think I'm over Vieira do Minho and Blind Guardian. I'll go complain at their website. What is there in Vieira do Minho anyway?! Cows!
Weekend Jun 20 - 21
Saturday was sort of damp, but Sunday was great. I had the guys over for a huge lunch that went on to become a dinner and a supper. Had very much fun, thank you. Downloads for the week include the strangest film ever made (Rocky Horror Picture Show), the new Alestorm album (Black Sails at Midnight) and the remaining of the Hades saga from Saint Seiya.
I was wrong - I still have Vieira do Minho stuck in my throat.
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