9 March 2009

Weekly Log - 02 through 08

Monday Mar 02
Slept badly for the second part of my night due to a rather large group of assholes that made a party right under my window. Spent most of my morning in traffic jams. Silent Hill 3 arrived, but there was a corrupt file and the game won't load. Cat broke one of my ashtrays by accident. Took a hurried shower because gas was at the end. There isn't coffee in the house. Five cents away from buying me a pack of smokes and there isn't a fuckin' five cent coin anywhere in this Hell forsaken place. Started getting the Sharpshooter Accolade (kill over 75% enemies with a firearm) in Silent Hill: 0rigins, skipped saving for the entire Sanatorium level as training for the Daredevil Accolade (run through the game without saving) and the lights went off just as I was about to enter the boss. Wanted to upload the Weekly Log for the past week but for some reason I cannot ascertain, Blogger wouldn't let me do it, have to write half the whole thing again. One of my black jeans got ripped in a way I probably won't be able to stitch back. Skipped lunch because I wasn't hungry, when I did get hungry, there was very little around the house to cook with, so delicious insta-ramen it was. At the end of the afternoon, going out to buy bread, nearly got ran over because a retard can't tell the difference between the road and the sidewalk where I was waiting to cross. What the heck happened today?

Oh, right. Monday happened.

Tuesday Mar 03
Watched Silent Hill (the movie) for the 5th time since last Friday. I'm preparing to review it. Went through several clips of b-series horror flicks for laughs, but they didn't do the trick. Got my first chuckle of the day from audio clips of the deceased George Carlin and spent most of my afternoon asleep for the lack of better things to do. I'm considering getting arrested as a career move: government would pay for a good part of the rest of my studies, I could learn a new language or trade, they would have to aid me in gaining access to another job after I was out and the most I'd have to worry about would be getting raped by other women. Boo-flippin'-hoo. Something like armed robbery would do the trick. I have my heart set on a PS3. At least if I get away with it, I can enjoy myself.

Wednesday Mar 04
Wednesday. Armpit of the week. Not close enough to the weekend, not far enough from Monday. Wednesdays don't go by: they drag themselves pathetically across the calendar, like there was a weight stuck to the hands of the clock. And in a fucked-up, incomplete-looking month like February, Wednesdays come across as both frustrating and depressing. It's on Wednesday that the fact I don't have a job most clearly comes across: they're all the more frustrating because I can't find one, and all the more depressing because of the regular pack of bullshit my everyday routine is.

I've handed my Mum my ATM card, since she usually asks for it anyway. I also handed her whatever cash I had but the coins: those I use to buy smokes on the machine at the corner coffee shop. What's the use in me keeping money, if they're gonna ask me for it, wake me up when I'm asleep for it and take it at any rate? I want very badly to stop depending on Pops because, frankly, I don't wanna have much to do with him. I never had, and don't see a reason to start now. Like this, I'll be depending on him for a good, long while. The more I try to stay the fuck away from all these people, the closer they get...

The only good news today was X-Men Origins: Wolverine coming out on May 1st. I want to see that movie very badly, and I think I should kick myself in the ass for letting fangirlism take the best of me. I've seen the trailers. To some extent, I know I will be disappointed. I am already, in certain issues: 'Pool doesn't look as awesome as I had hoped.

Thursday Mar 05
Finally, a breakthrough. Despite small, it may be the one I needed. Pops told a friend of his working in patent translations that my English was mighty decent. I spoke to the man myself today, he gave me a couple of texts to translate. Let me tell you, this is going to be one son of a bitch: it's a text describing chemicals whose names are nowhere to be found in a dictionary. I'm gonna give it my best, but I'm not getting my hopes too high up. You know the higher up you get, the harder down you crash. Been there, done that, took a Polaroid of it.

After tackling the first text into a draft for later cleanup, a friend asked me how I felt about the next lunch meeting of the bunch. Suggested an afternoon of b-series horror. I've been looking at some clips which are too fun for words (in a gruesome and poorly conceived way), and think it'd be very nice to stage a MST3K-like event in which we'll watch bad movies and poke fun at them. But hey, this is me. I find MST3K hilarious... I presented a few suggestions, including this little gem, which was done by Weta Workshop (one of the many institutions that like New Zealand gained great reputation working in The Lord of the Rings) and looks too stupid to be true. But I double-checked: it is a real motion picture. Genetically altered monster sheep. Possibly the only thing more ridiculous than Night of the Lepus.

Friday Mar 06
I've translated both texts, and went over them several times. I'm gonna stop looking at 'em, I think the more I do the less I get right at this point.

Got some news on Grandma, whom doctors are amazed at. They said she would become permanently paralyzed on the right side. Visitors going to see her, however, claim she can move her right arm and leg. She still doesn't talk, something odd with the muscles of the face it seems, but she's one sturdy old lady.

Weekend Mar 07 - 08
Well, the text is finished. Sent it via e-mail and here's to hoping for the best... (who am I kidding? I started the Most Serene Church. I don't believe in hope!)

I did some work on the computer: correcting mistakes, reinstalling a few things and cleaning up a much needed folder of misc stuff. My downloads this week are a bunch of Hellboy numbers I had never read and a few episodes of Yuu Yuu Hakusho that someone advised me to watch. I'm thinking of starting a few short stories just for kicks, give some development to a couple of things I had in mind. There is also something bigger, but I'm still figuring out how to tackle it. The story is in my head, putting it on the paper (or rather, on the word processor) is slightly more complicated. It would help keep up the word quota very much, though.


M. Marques said...

Yet another week... I think this one wasn't as bad as many.
Gimme a "talk" if you need help on those chemicals, I might have something.

ladySeion said...

Thanks for the help you guys. I appreciate it, even if this whole deal with the texts adds up to nothing.